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“ESN Conference 2023: “Short Sea Shipping: Efficiency,

Sustainability and Connectivity at the Service of Maritime Logistic Chains”. Huelva (Spain) November 28th”

The conference, organized under the Spanish Presidency of the European Shortsea Network (ESN) and scheduled for 28 November in Huelva, will feature a high level of national and international speakers, both institutional and sectoral. It will be developed around 3 axes with a huge impact on the competitiveness of Short Sea Shipping:


 The importance of SSS in new trade flows with third
countries, the European eco-incentive and the Spanish experience, as
well as SSS in the TEN-T and the CEF.


The importance of customs clearance and the European
Single Window, digitalization and secure parking.


The impact of IMO and EU regulations on Short Sea
Shipping, clean fuels, necessary adaptations of ships and preparing
ports for new energies.

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